Price: STARTER FREE, Premium $49/mth, Premium Plus+ $99/mth
Owners: Kyle & Carson

Training Quality: X/10
Research Tools:
Websites Included:
Hosting Included:
Free Trial:

Overall Rank: X/10

Online Businesses Review Starts Here

Hi, Cliff here,

What? Is there a free trial? YES!

I read several reviews of online affiliate marketing sites, most of them were quite negative except for one Wealthy Affiliate. This was cause enough for me to go in search of more information on this site. This is what I found. The negative side of the reviews delt with the training. It said that the training was outdated and was no longer of present-day values. And thus, it would leave a person in a place of unreachable goals. However, when I went deeper into researching the company, it soon became clear that the training was updated weekly.

And through in-depth reading the Wealthy Affiliate website I came across some most interesting information. Now, the information presented, in the beginning, was in part not that much different than some of the other websites. Some of them offered a free website with limited instructions with how to achieve online success. These sites did not meet the criteria of what I needed; I was new to the online marketing world all the help I could get. The Wealthy Affiliate website not only offered a free trial with the establishment of a live website to include eight free lessons. I thought about the offer, thinking there had to be some kind of catch to it. Every other website I had checked had offers too. When I checked them out, I was asked to invest first, and when I did, then an upsell was presented. This discouraged me, thinking I would never find the training to begin an online business. Like I said earlier I didn’t have any internet experience pertaining to an online business.

Now I must disclose the reason for my online business search, I am retired, and my pension is not enough income to cover our needs. And I also realized that working at Walmart, Target or other places like them was not the answer. While browsing the internet, I read an article about affiliate marketing, the article mentioned how a person of any age could do the business and make a good income. This was new to me and I never had any exposure to affiliate marketing. Like I said earlier I was discouraged and ready to give up. Then I read a review on Wealthy Affiliate by a person named Kyle. As I continued to read a challenge was presented, it read before you spend any money, find out if an affiliate online business is right for you. Take a free test drive, develop a website, and see if this is something you like, go ahead and take a test run. It’s free. You will be amazed by what you will discover. I found a pathway to a field of treasure; I believe it could be the same for you.

I will share a review of what I experienced of the site called Wealthy Affiliate. Here you will have the opportunity to get an inside view of what I have had the privilege of experiencing.

First Comes training.

To be trained, we all need to be trained in whatever field of endeavor we choose if we are to Excelle in it, this is also true in online marketing.  Now other sites offered free websites, however not all of them offered training without a hitch. Here is what I discovered while searching for training and support for establishing a website to conduct an affiliate business online. Every site that I visited appeared to promise help toward that end. They either wanted money up front or were trying to sell something. When I did find a site with promise, the owner(s) material was not up to date or was not clear enough for a newbie to understand. and when I did find a promising site, I had to spend money upfront, but that was not enough they tried to upsell a product. All of this leads to confusion and disappointment. On top of all this, no one offered training to help put me in business. I was discouraged and ready to give up.

When I came to the Wealthy Affiliates website, a different story emerged that encouraged me to forge ahead. The whole training set up was different from all the other sites. The free trial introduced me to a central place called the HUB; this is where all the activity originates.

Now what you see above is all included in the Hub. I discovered that the darkness was lifted from affiliate marketing after experiencing how the Hub was set up. With the most advanced tools and training on their use makes affiliate marketing a viable option for anyone. Today it cannot be said that even the inexperienced person can’t be successful at online marketing.

*   1, It all begins with a free trial –For me to experience whether or not I wanted to become an affiliate business marketer. This was like someone handing me a map of a field with hidden treasure. I accepted the offer eagerly, not knowing where it would lead me. I soon learned that participating in a good training plan, as evidenced by the free trial, would be informative and lead to an introduction to the necessary tools to establish my dream. What I hoped for began taking shape. This is how you get a feel for the business and the company.

*  2, Next comes the Website -I knew from the start that this was an essential base of the affiliate business. Wealthy Affiliates provided thorough training, allowing me to accomplish what no other program did. There is no better feeling to have than to know, with your hands, that you built a website allowing you to begin a remarkable career that could last for the rest of your life and allow you to build an income to fit all of your financial needs.

*  3, Keyword Search tool – Wealthy Affiliate introduced me to a keywords tool and explained it.  I am sure you have heard people in the online affiliate business talk about keywords. Here, you will learn the importance of Keywords and the critical role they play in your website presence. I learned that a keyword search tool, boosted by AI, was integral to the Wealthy Affiliate platform and would remove my fear for writing good content.

As I did, you will discover that Wealthy Affiliates training will not leave you in the dark; it will teach you how to find keywords that rank with Google and other SEOs and AI makes this a breeze. These are the keys to people finding you and your business site.

*  4, Writing Plat Forms or templates – writing is a big part of whatever you do in the online business world. Wealthy Affiliates helps you understand the use of these AI powered platforms. You don’t have to fear this because you will discover like I did, that the writing tools go far beyond write good content. Content that will not only feed information but also help give a clear understanding of the subject matter.

* 5, There is a very superb set of instructions on linking and back linking, here I learned how this was done. the instructions made it very clear how important it is to write ethical and clear content to link to your own content and allow others to connect to you.

*  6, Superb Support – this is very important; nothing is easy when starting an online business. Again, as I did, you too will find a community of well-experienced and successful people willing to take time and help a new member like you by answering your questions.

The combined experience of the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, spans at least forty years of affiliate marketing. They are very punctual with training and support. Here, you will get to know that they care about your success.

They take training very seriously and will spend whatever time it takes to answer our questions. You will not find this true when you check out other sites. But yes, training is something that’s offered by just about every online affiliate business. I experienced they all didn’t live up to their claims; some of the training was vague, not giving enough detail to complete the objective. Some didn’t have good support that inexperienced people could turn to when they didn’t understand a procedure. This was when I learned that all training did not measure up to a standard that would ensure success if completed. I needed this and was searching for a start.

Here at Wealthy Affiliate, it is so very different. I’m sure you’ve heard it said it takes a village to raise a child. Well, here at Wealthy Affiliate, there is a worldwide community to help us grow our online affiliate business to whatever level we wish. Here in the community are people with varying degrees of experience, from small online businesses producing a few hundred per month to big businesses producing thousands per month.

However, to have an online business, you still need to take that first step forward with the confidence that you will succeed. At Wealthy Affiliate, the free trial consists of four steps to establishing an online presence, with eight lessons.

We know that you can achieve success online, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. We are the top recommended platform in the industry for a reason: we built our reputation off of HELPING people like yourself succeed online.

Here is a quick diagram breaking down the process.

All this you accomplish when you take Wealthy Affiliate up on the free test trial. Just this alone is a significant step toward a happy accomplishment. At this point, if your mindset is anything like mine, you will want to take the next step.  You will want to use all the tools that make this training exciting and onward into the future. As we progress in this review, we will review what makes this affiliate stand heads and shoulders above the competition.

So far, my journey into affiliate marketing has been nothing but eye-opening. The tools to develop websites and content go far beyond anything you suspect. This means anyone with a vision for a brighter future can participate in this endeavor, especially when you take the kind of training and mentorship Wealthy Affiliate offers anyone wanting to be independent.

Now you have a Bonafide website ready for action; now what? It is time to make your presence known. Millions of people around the world search for websites with informative content.  The Wealthy Affiliates platform stands above the rest, not because it is better, but because it contains all the tools you need to blossom, including the cost of the essential tools.

Essentials Of Keywords

Wealthy Affiliates has a platform that is unique to this industry, it has been up graded to incorporate AI and only they have it. Through the use of keywords on this platform, you can know where your competition stands. It is sort of like spying on them. Though the proper use of this platform is to rank a website high in Yahoo, Google, and Bing, it helps you acquire higher traffic to your site. The higher the traffic, the greater the potential for financial value.

Here, you will learn how this tool helps you research a niche to build your brand. This is only one of many platforms to help the progress of your business. You will be happy with all this knowledge that is made available for your use. Through its use, you will learn the actual value of the platform.


1. It has the potential to give you an edge over your competition

2. It can reveal literally Millions of great keywords, making for significant traffic

3. It benefits you in saving time building content.

4. It will help make it easier to find new niches for branding

5. It will help you to know the status of your website

Once you join Wealthy Affiliate, everything begins to open up to you. You get access to this exciting platform from day one, and when you understand how it all works, you will understand how to research keywords and your audience. This is huge because you will be well on your way to mastering SEO, search engine optimization, and other types of structures related to this platform. It all helps you market the content of your online business more efficiently.

As training progresses and your website expands, you need products to promote. Don’t worry. You will find many lucrative companies and products to promote.

There Are Millions of Products and Lots of Companies to Promote For.

It begins here at this Wealthy Affiliate platform where the training is located. You don’t have to search far. At the top of the search bar is the word PROMOT; when you click it, the world opens, and you can begin your search for what you would like to promote. this is only the beginning because there are over 500 million products that you can promote for free. once again, this tool is only available to the affiliates hanging out within Wealthy Affiliate.

Successful People

I could tell you all the people who blog their success stories, but it’s not your success story. however, the old saying is to surround yourself with successful people if you want success. why? these people are the ones who can answer questions when you are stuck. Their success has a way of rubbing off on you and pushing you to write your success story.

Once again, at Wealthy Affiliate, you will become one of these very successful people and, of course, with people beginning their online business like you. Yes, it takes a lot of dedicated hard work. Anyone knows that starting a business from scratch takes money and effort to succeed, but in the end, you will say it was worth the effort.

The Levels of Membership

First Level Free

There are three levels in which a person can participate. it is always recommended to start with the free trial. this is the first level, allowing you to establish the first and foremost step to have an active website. You need to know that this is a business you can do and will carry through. This is why an active website is so important.

Any top-of-the-line company will offer an accessible look or a free trial offer. You should refuse the offer if they want money upfront. because they probably have a reason not to trust their offer.

The second level, premium membership, is $49 per month.

this membership is considered the online entrepreneurs’ flagship for these reasons. for the price, you get what you need to create, grow, and manage your business. and if you want, even expand into multiple businesses. Wealthy Affiliates makes all this available to its premium members, website, hosting, writing tools, and research. best of all, all the help you could ask for around the clock.

the third level, premium plus membership, is $99 per month.

With this level, you get more perks, such as up to 10 websites and more excellent hosting. the speed for hosting is fast and is always up and running. this is a great deal for the money, and you will be hard-pressed to find one cheaper, especially with all the training incorporated into these sites that helps you achieve an online business level.

yet when all is said and done, they always tell us to take the free test drive and experience the fact of establishing our first live online website. I think this is one of the fairest offers in the online business world.

Give it a try, and then decide if you want to blossom into a serious, profitable online business.

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the most robust building platforms ever.  It offers one of the best systems of instruction to be found anywhere, one that ensures your success if you complete the training. Here, you can get on board the affiliate journey for free; you only need to take the free trial and develop your free website. By the way, this is the fundamental first step to your online business. Here, you will find all the tools you will need to write great content with the assistance of AI, such as keyword tools that help content be discoverable by SEOs.

I found the training to be very in-depth and easy to grasp. In fact, you will ask yourself, when do I launch my website? Even though it has already happened while completing the free trial step. This happened in lesson four. Yes, it is alive and ready for you to build it out with the great content that you write.

Like me, you will reflect on your achievements and feel great. There is no better feeling than knowing that you did what seemed impossible initially.  This will do for you what it did for me, encouraging you to forge ahead to complete your fully functioning online business goal.

Yes, there are many avenues to take in establishing a profitable business. You can create an affiliate online business by going through one of the sites offering websites for a fee. Then, pay the fees required for all the tools that have been mentioned above. At this point, you realize there is still something missing.

When you consider what goes into building a good website, it seems to appear complicated, expensive, and difficult to achieve. And this is true when you are new to this field, worse yet, if you don’t have a website ready to use. You soon learn no one outside of companies like Amazon lets you establish a foothold in the online business world.

however, at Wealthy Affiliate, you can build your website for free. If you continue and take the upgrade, you will soon be on your way to success and financial freedom. you must complete all the training to reach your streams of wealth.

Reflections On My Wealthy Affiliate Review – Why It’s My #1 Recommendation.

This is why Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 recommendation. It held up to all the promises about establishing a free website. free hosting, excellent support, outstanding training, and a community of comradeship in support. Through the free trial, I gained the courage to go on and commit to a full-fledged online business of my own. Here, I found that it was true: hosting was free, and a free website came with upgrading within eight (8) days of starting the free trial offer.

All the search tools were included to discover a workable niche for words ranked within SEO (search engine optimization). I learned I could promote many products from the Wealthy Affiliate platform using all their tools to write good content. About food, clothing, recreation, cats, dogs, diet, and whatever I chose as my niche. And all this is included in a monthly premium upgrade for $49.

In the end, I can say that I didn’t find anything relating Wealthy Affiliate to being CALLED A SCAM.


If I can help you, please leave a message, and I will get back to you. And please feel free to leave any comments you may have on this website.



companies pay a small commission or other compensation for promoting their website or products through their affiliate program.

Prices are exactly the same for you if your purchase is through an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link. You will not pay more by clicking through to the link.

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